02 July 2010

Domestic Distractions

I suppose there isn’t an excuse for six months of silence–especially on a blog. It’s inexcusable. But I thought I’d at least share the reason, and perhaps get a little sympathy that would cause you to forget my egregious absence.

I am pregnant!

No, I wasn’t off celebrating for those six months, sadly. Apparently I have been blessed with a particularly bad case of morning sickness. I would sit resolutely at my computer, fighting off nausea, determined to write, and then…I would make a mad dash for the bathroom to get sick. Sorry for the image, but as I’m sure all pregnant ladies will tell you, it’s difficult to pretend you’re handling all the changes and quirks in your body with grace, especially when so many of them are uncomfortable! I'd just like to thank all the millions of mothers who have been through this process and the majority who’ve even gone on to repeat it! Bless you all.

Not to focus on the negative--I’m thrilled, and so excited. I could not be happier. But this baby is already throwing a wrench in my starry-eyed plans of being a work-at-home writer. As this is my first, I expected that I could be completely focused on writing up until my due date. Then I’d have to shuffle things around a little. Ha! This baby’s already teaching me that it plans to turn my life upside-down in many different ways, ways I can’t predict.

Which is a great corollary to becoming an Army Wife. I can't speak for everyone, of course: being around military families for the past two years has taught me that everyone has a different experience. That being said, when we got married, I had expectations for army life. I figured that I could get prepared and organized, and I could still tailor military family life to my expectations. I've learned it doesn't work that way. Even things that were set in stone (a work trip, a long-weekend) can be canceled, moved, or changed as soon as you've solidified plans. 

When we first got married, we planned to wait at least three years before having kids. Now, as we're about to celebrate our second anniversary, we're counting down to baby's arrival in October! The likelihood of deployment during Steve's next assignment pushed up our timeline considerably. And despite the change in plans, I haven't regretted the decision at all. If I'd been this sick while he was deployed, I don't know how baby and I would have made it! I'm so grateful he's been around to do everything--except write this blog for me!