11 May 2009

Social Regression

These days I've found myself increasingly socialphobic, shopping at the grocery store first thing in the morning while moms are still dropping their kids off at school or going to the gym after nine when most everyone else has left for work. I suppose it's the consequence of spending every other day completely alone; most days, the only human interaction I have (besides the checkout cashier) is mumbling goodbye to Steve when he leaves for work at five am, and I know I'm incoherent at the time.

It seems to be a vicious cycle: I spend most of my time alone, which weakens my social skills, so I feel more awkward around people, thus making me want to avoid situations where I might need to use those rusty abilities. Case in point: We've lived here for two and a half months, and the only women I've met live in my neighborhood. Both of them.

I know it's getting bad because I'm starting to watch reruns of What Not to Wear. Reruns of House are understandable. Watching What Not to Wear reruns means that TLC has become a little too important in my life. When I began watching that show, we had only been married two months, and even then I could tell my social life was in decline because I'd dress up to go to the grocery store, not having any other reason to relinquish my sweatpants. I can tell how bad it's become now because I don't mind running in without makeup or even once or twice in sweatpants. (Please don't nominate me for What Not to Wear!)

So I've decided to force myself to stop hiding in my house and make some friends. Today I've been pretty successful: I went to a class at the gym, to the BX during lunch hour (for all you Army Wives, an Air Force BX is the equivalent of the PX, the tax-free military Target), walked my dog twice around the neighborhood, met our neighbor on the other side who I'd never talked to before, and chatted with both of the ladies I'd already met. And I still have enough social energy left to RSVP positively to an Officer's Spouses' Club party, even though I don't know anyone else who'll be there.

In fact, my social energy level is the highest it's been in a while, which is interesting, considering I should have exhausted my resources with all the talking I've done today. But surprisingly, that doesn't seem to be how it works. I guess all those social skills need is practice.

Actually, though, I have to run – the season finale of House is on.