04 October 2009

Let’s get real.

Let's be honest here--I've been terrible about getting blog posts up. And after much soul searching, I've realized why: I've been waiting to write until I have something profound, witty or universal to share. And to be honest (I know this will shock you all), that kind of deep literary eloquence doesn't occur to me on a daily basis. Hence the long periods of silence while I agonize over what to post that will simultaneously appeal to military and civilian folk, men and women, Christians and non-Christians, Tom Clancy and Jane Austen fans.

So, forget it.

I'm just going to write about real life, and leave the pretension for after I've earned it.

1 comment:

  1. I love it Christie! I felt/feel exactly the same way about attempting to maintain my own blog. Be encouraged: its great to hear anything from your mind or heart!
