04 July 2009

Celebration of Freedom

Last Sunday I attended a "Celebration of Freedom" at a church in Maryland and was completely blown away by the incredible thought, effort and energy that they put into the service. Complete with an orchestra and confetti cannons, an inspiring sermon and musical salute to the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marine songs, it was a touching blend of the Church being grateful for the protection of the State and recalling how the State was shaped by the Church at its conception. I blinked back tears as veterans and active duty servicemen and women were honored. I also thought how ironic it was that Steve was working that morning and wasn't able to attend.

I'm pretty sure that I'd never sung the second, third, or fourth verses of "My Country, 'tis of Thee" before. In case you haven't, either, here are the words:

1.    My country, 'tis of thee,

    Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing;

    Land where my fathers died,

    Land of the pilgrims' pride,

    From every mountainside let freedom ring!


2.    My native country, thee,

    Land of the noble free, thy name I love;

    I love thy rocks and rills,

    Thy woods and templed hills;

    My heart with rapture thrills, like that above.


3.    Let music swell the breeze,

    And ring from all the trees sweet freedom's song;

    Let mortal tongues awake;

    Let all that breathe partake;

    Let rocks their silence break, the sound prolong.


4.    Our fathers' God, to thee,

    Author of liberty, to thee we sing;

    Long may our land be bright

    With freedom's holy light;

    Protect us by thy might, great God, our King.


I was amazed at how well God and country are fused in the lyrics, and I thought the same of the church service.

Tonight, though, Steve is off duty and we just returned home from celebrating Independence Day at a friend's house. I'm so grateful that he was able to enjoy this holiday that honors our country, him, and the many men and women who've given up their holidays with family. I know that if Steve is here at home, it means that someone else's husband is deployed and doesn't get to watch his kids play with sparklers or drink a cold beer with his friends. My heart goes out to everyone who's celebrating without a military family member tonight, and my prayers are with everyone who's deployed and those whose loved ones sacrificed all for our United States. God bless America.

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